Gr ch black jack rom

Pedigree Database: J. CRENSHAW'S GR.CH. 'BLACK JACK' ROM If you here from mobile Android device look here: mobile application for this website. Are you owner or breeder of this dog? If yes, write to admin and we move this dog to your account. After you can edit this dog and added more photos, information etc... Pitbull history / Gallery / Crenshaw's Gr Ch Black Jack ROM

GR. CH BLACK JACK , CH. BRICK FEMALE FOR SALE !! | RASCAL ... hi i would like to know if the female is still forsale will to buy her asap if so email me at ONLINE PEDIGREES :: [147973] :: ICEMAN'S JOE BOB | A.p.b.t ... Sired by GR CH ADAMS & CRUTCHFIELD'S ART (7XW) ROM American Pitbull terrier , Apbt , Pitbull , Pit bull Puppy , ADBA , Rednose , Rednose puppy , APBT , Game dog , Working Pitbull , Conditioned Apbt , Bull dogs, Real pit bulls, Buck skin , Black Apbt , Bulldog , Dog men , Pitbull history , #Pitbull #Dog


DRAGON – Ready to Rock Kennels gr ch evolution kennel’s machobuck rom: ch super kennel’s 357 rom: southern kennels macha: ch triangle gang’s syble: gr ch crenshaw’s black jack rom: triangle gang’s dixie por: ch hof’s codie: gr ch steve & the b.c. boys’ snaps por: gr ch hall’s andy capp rom: steves spider rom: hpk nile rom: gr ch hall’s andy capp rom: r hall ... Puma - TITAN KENNELS puma click here for additional photos first second third fourth rbjbtknl’s machobear ii evolution kennel’s machobuck super kennel’s 357 ratliff’s butkus undertaker kennels’ miss leaky southern kennels macha southern kennel’s mayday stone city kennels` blondie overload knls saphire latin force kennel’s barracuda southern read more Istory Of Patrick’s Indian Bolio R.O.M | Central Coast Kennel Bolio was born in 1969 and was raised by Maurice Carver and Eddie Klaus two great friends and connoisseurs of the American Pitbull Terrier. Bolio’s parents were the famous Klaus’ Zeke and Klaus Goldie’ both tremendous bulldogs.


Southern Kennels tinha voado com SCK´S BLONDIE do Ecuador para a Florida para cruza-la com SUPER KENNELS CH.357 ROM,a cruza não pegou e EVOLUTION KENNELS nesse tempo tinha uma filha de GR.CH.MAYDAY ROM/SCKS BLONDIE de nome MACHA que estava no cio,então EVOLUTION KENNELS ligou para SK e perguntou se poderia cruza-la em CH.357 ROM dessa cruza nasceu MACHOBUCK. Pitbull history / Gallery / Grand Champions / B Pit bull history / / Grand Champions / B. Contact; Links; Gallery; This website is for SALE. All images; Champions; Grand Champions; ROM dogs; Dogmans; History; Search; ... Boudreaux & Casino & Gr Ch Black Jack ROM; Crenshaw's Gr Ch Black Jack ROM; Crenshaw's Gr Ch Black Jack ROM; Crenshaw's Gr Ch Black Jack ROM; GAMEBRED KENNEL :: Specialize on CH CRENSHAW'S JEEP (4XW ...

Crenshaws GRCH Black Jack ROM. Published on Sat, 18 Aug 2018.Crenshaws GRCH Black Jack ROM. 8 months ago. 134 views.

Jan 14, 2010 ... Adams' Gr. Ch. Zebo ROM - attacked Mr. Adams' son and nearly took ..... CH. BLACK JACK(3XW). 4 GENERATION PEDIGREE. First. Second. 6x GR CH CRENSHAW'S BLACK JACK ROM 3xCH CRENSHAW ... - YouTube

Crenshaw’s Ch Jeep R.O.M was born the August of 1976 at James Crenshaw’s courtyard, off spring of the famous Finley Ch Bo R.O.M and Crenshaw’s Ch Honeybunch R.O.M. This coupling was done only once by James Crenshaw and Maurice Carver, for reasons not known.

Site about American Pit Bull Terriers. 9052 views. You can search pedigree of Crenshaw's Gr Ch Black Jack ROM on:.; BLACK JACK & RODRIGUEZ' GATOR - YouTube GR CH CRENSHAW'S BLACK JACK ROM CH CRENSHAW'S RODRIGUEZ' GATOR 4XW ROM Home - Black Sea Kennel BLACK SEA KENNEL was founded in 2010 in Bulgaria and is specialized in working an breeding American Pit bull Terrier (APBT). Here you can find Old Eli dogs in the purest form and crossed with best other bloodlines from all over the world such as Soutern’s GR CH Mayday Rom, Hall’s GR CH Andy Capp Read More WHISKEY X LIL BIT -

Home - Black Sea Kennel BLACK SEA KENNEL was founded in 2010 in Bulgaria and is specialized in working an breeding American Pit bull Terrier (APBT). Here you can find Old Eli dogs in the purest form and crossed with best other bloodlines from all over the world such as Soutern’s GR CH Mayday Rom, Hall’s GR CH Andy Capp Rom, James Crenshaw’s Gr CH Black Jack Rom , James Crenshaw’s Ch Jeep Rom , Yakuza ... WHISKEY X HOLLIE -